The irony of our education choice has been weighing on me this week. Well for a long time but the pressure is getting too much to bear. Christmas holidays have been and gone, I started school back a bit earlier than the official school year because we all missed it. But now we are quite definitely in domestic chaos as we have 2 weeks till the end of our lease and no new place to go to as yet.
A good friend sent me an email that does look interesting last night, but I said I'd put the home back in homeschool and then get back to her. :)
Currently we are doing basic minimum of maths and english. LittleH#2 has finished the first Spelling Rules! Book A, and LittleH#1 is still doing the last few units in his. They are both still chipping away at maths but we aren't doing anything exciting together in terms of project work. We are managing to read the Bible together in the mornings sometimes, in the way we do when school is in normal and full swing, so really the learning's ticking along fine, in light of the long holiday.
Other more unschooly subjects definitely involve maths (estimating what will fit in boxes, measuring gaps in potential houses for washing machines, measuring and estimating anything really), DIY (cleaning walls, taking things apart), and most definitely Legal Studies. Of course I excel in this area and haven't been purposely teaching it to them. But they are working out the obvious elements of landlord and tenant law (though I think I will eventually have to teach them about Justice - ha ha), and generally getting quite a good feel of that as much as they need and probably more than most children their age! Certainly they know more than I did probably even before I went to university!!!! In the UK of course they had experience of us selling our house - so this adds to that and starts to build a picture.
Hoping that the uncertainty will be over today when we hear about whether we finally got a house. The thread through it all is our trust in God (I've struggled with that one this week, it looks so bleak!). So many scriptures and encouragements, kind offers from church pointing us in the direction of houses that turn out to be depressingly unsuitable just when we thought it was over. And a fantastic sermon about Abraham and Sarah last Sunday about periods of waiting in our lives. We are certainly in one of those and being taken closer to the edge than we've ever been before. And we thought our migration was bad. There's a Corrie Ten Boom story that's relevant and a myriad of others but time and fractious babies don't permit me to go into it now! The point is - we are waiting for Isaac and don't need to meddle and take a house that is the equivalent of Ishmael - doing things in our own strength because we can't wait on God's timing. It has been helpful to see some bad inspections that we have almost felt pressured to take and "settle" for in the light of that story.
Only later will tell if the agony is over. In the meantime we have no choice but to pack in faith because the current house is being shown off in all its glory with us still in it this weekend. Thanks a lot. I doubt they'll be pointing out the broken walls or hole in the roof. :) Someone else's turn to pay rent to a landlord who won't maintain the structure of a house, and time for us to shake the dust off our feet and take our blessing to a new house.