Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mount St H...

We had an eruption of Mount St H finally! I am ashamed to say it was the 4th May and I haven't had a chance to announce the details yet, or share the photos. Little Miss H enjoyed the drama as much as the boys, and we have kept the model village (and the volcano) for a future eruption. I suppose that means the volcano is currently inactive, or resting, or something.

I know, what a fantastic filming that was. I'll stick to my day job.

The volcano work continues, LittleH#1 is making a volcano shaped fact book, and I will decide whether we are actually going to go the full way to making it into a lapbook display of his work, or whether to just leave it in his folder. I think possibly just the Learning Story folder this time because there is a whole section in there of stuff we have read, and things they have drawn, so I don't want to take stuff out for a lapbook and have it all over the place. He's just as happy to get his folder out and show people anyway.

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