We seem to do some subjects in blocks, rather than itty bitty subjects every day of the week. I used to be concerned about this but actually it suits the children more to learn that way, and when I add together all that we have done and are doing, it seems to balance out in the right proportions.
Currently we have been having a bit of a science and music festival. The science has included the exploration of hovercraft technology, making some models with a motor and batteries from a little kit Matthew brought LittleH#1 back from his trip to Melbourne - our week without him is another story ;).
LittleHs 1 and 2 are learning the ukelele, as well as the guitar. They already knew a few chords on the guitar, and have been having lessons with DH, as well as music sessions. Matthew came back from his conference talking about a session they had with about 300 delegates all playing the ukelele and being taught for the first time how to play some chords. With only 4 strings it is easy for someone to pick up. So we bought 2, one cheap one and one good one - and now they are playing 4 chords (LittleH#1) and 2 chords (LittleH#2). They have been introduced to Bluegrass, and we are working on a VonH version of You are my sunshine. Got a few Colin songs we think they might be able to manage too. With practice! Meanwhile I'd like to think about getting LittleH#3 some Suzuki method violin lessons to see whether he'd like that. The ukelele playing is also improving their guitar playing too. Bonus.
We have also begun teaching them the music stave and note names. Whilst this is something I can do (and I want to teach them the recorder) it has been nice for Matthew to take on music a bit with them, so that's how we are dividing the work for now.
We are thinking about how we might make a bigger hovercraft model next, and also were amazed how LittleH#3 described what he thought was happening to the air underneath the takeaway box container that was the hovercraft body. He thought that the air built up and then tried to escape and that is how the box lifted up a bit and moved around. He'd be right! :)
Other achievements recently are that LittleH#3 has begun riding his bike without trainer wheels at only 3 1/2, and LittleMissH is standing up and threatening to cruise. She is talking a lot, and communicating even more. I haven't officially designated it homeschool but they are all enjoying a mix of Auslan signs and baby sign language with her, and that officially can count as LOTE if I want it to. It will certainly get a mention in dispatches next year!
I have just discovered how to 'right' the date and time I post things on the blog. That had been annoying me for a while. :) Edited to add: ah, no I haven't. I appear to have a technical problem but I don't suppose anyone minds (hardly a great following) and I am just going to have to live with it!
Just a thought or two!
11 years ago
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