Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Homeschool Cupboards...

Here are the pictures. I am really pleased with them, and the boys were a little impressed this morning too. LittleH#1 even found something in one of his books that he thought he'd lost - a little press out Mercury for a solar system he hasn't finished making yet... he thought he'd lost the planet but now we can complete the model. As an aside, we made a fantastic Space lapbook a few weeks ago - my idea of a nice neat little 'putting a topic to bed' kind of thing. However, our attention span for the Solar System seems to rival infinity itself. I am not fighting it too hard. I am learning more and more from it myself!

The cupboards - before, during and after:

Slight matter of white drawers to the left also needing to be weeded and, brainwave - labelled, but apart from that a 100% improvement. You will just have to imagine the insides of the cupboards - neat shelves, equipment sorted by category - maths supplies, phonics and word cards, duplo letter and number tiles, craft materials...

It's the truth, but Matthew took the final photos and unfortunately didn't think to photograph the perfectly sorted cupboad insides. Never mind! I already said it wasn't a perfectly serene and inspiring homeschooling blog, and I am not going to close up on beautiful objects strategically and artistically placed on shelves. I think they always look wonderful but you would have to know what you were doing first. I will leave that to the experts.

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