Monday, April 12, 2010

What we are doing with our days 'off'

This is our Easter break. It is more than that. I am wanting to make sure we do have a real break from school work because we really haven't had one since we began homeschooling last year - around this time or just before.

The boys are keen to get back into work. I don't really want to do that because I need the break even if they don't [think they do]. Actually I do think they need it as well.

So we are pottering, seeing friends and family, shopping for this and that, including today at the charity shop looking for second hand books, and also the second hand book dealer next door.

They are learning all the time. They have questions about everything. I am so glad they have questions about everything. I can categorise some of the conversations we have had recently into the following headings:

Understanding of continuing sin, repentance and forgiveness - Little H#1's comments and observations in that regard were extremely profound.
Media Studies / Advertising
Motor Mechanics
Film making / animation
Difference in climactic conditions, decomposition etc

I am sure that many many children are learning these things all of the time, and not all of them are homeschooled. The difference for me, though, is that I am thinking differently than I otherwise would. The proverbial 'teachable moments' are never lost. I have the privilege of a window on their thoughts. the opportunity to help them develop those thoughts and learn something more. We come back to these conversations later, they add bits, and I am just amazed by the way that children learn. More than that though I am amazed by what I am learning as a parent who is now prepared to listen to the endless questions, build on them, marvel at their learning methods and be prepared to admit what I don't know (but I know a search engine who does...)

Some holiday. Ha ha. A change is as good as a holiday... (my mum always says!)

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